Emulsifiers — Animal Feed Supplements to Enhance Productivity

 Animal feed supplement products have been added to the diet of animals, birds, and fish for optimum health and increased production. These animal feed supplements have now become an essential part of the modern farm industry for their numerous benefits including improving profitability of the farmer. In order to make efficient use of these additives, it is important to ensure that animals are able to absorb the nutrients given to them. The inclusion of an external emulsifier becomes important as it helps in better fat digestion and absorption. Lysophospholipid based emulsifiers have a proven role in the absorption of nutrients in the body by enhancing the permeability of the absorptive surface.

The Role of Lysophospholipids In Emulsifiers

Lysophospholipids are a class of phospholipids that aid in the absorption of fat and other nutrients through the cell membrane. Lysophospholipids promote fat absorption by forming micelles with monoglycerides and fatty acids. The micelles formed have smaller radii and thus have a larger surface area, making them more stable than micelles formed by other phospholipids.

Lipidin is a product developed by Avitech Nutrition, an established animal feed supplement manufacturer, and comprises several biologically active Lysophospholipids for increased emulsification. The following are the types of Lysophospholipids present in Lipidin that make it an excellent emulsifier cum natural absorption enhancer:

· Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC)

· Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE)

· Lysophosphatidic Acid (LPA)

· Lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI)

THE HLB & CMC Values of Lipidin

The HLB & CMC are two important index values for emulsifiers. The HLB is the Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance and CMC is the acronym for the Critical Micelle Concentration.

· The HLB index factor is the degree of water solubility of the emulsifier.

· Lipidin has an HLB of 10. It is the ideal value for emulsifiers since it indicates equal affinity for water and lipid.

· The CMC of Lipidin is lower than that of Bile and Phospholipids, which indicates that this animal supplement is more efficient. It also means that Lipidin is more effective than bile and phospholipids in terms of its emulsification properties.

Features of Ideal Emulsifiers

· Balanced HLB value that is equally oil and water-soluble.

· Enhances absorption of fats and nutrients for optimum productivity.

· Extracts maximum nutritional value from animal feed.

· Improves feed conversion ratio and performance.

· Prevents fat accumulation in the animal body.

Lipidin from Avitech Nutrition, one of the leading animal feed supplement manufacturers, is an emulsifier with ideal features that enable substantial savings in the feed cost. This animal feed supplement, Lipidin has a shelf-life of 2 years.

The Recommended Inclusion of Lipidin In Feed

Lipidin is tested on poultry, aqua, and swine at several animal research farms and institutes. After a lot of studies done across the globe, this animal feed supplement is branded safe for use and comes with a recommended inclusion chart for optimum productivity in animals.

· Poultry- 500 g/MT of the complete feed

· Aqua- 1000–1500 g/MT of the complete feed

· Swine- 750–1000 g/MT of the complete feed


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