Role of Nutrition in improving immunity
The environmental conditions in which animal species are raised to increase productivity are far from optimal. There has been a lot of interest in the role of nutrition in managing the immune systems of animals in order to enhance productivity. This concept becomes more crucial in the production of animals without growth promoting antibiotics.
The necessity to combat anti-microbial resistant bacteria is
an issue of high priority for public health and agriculture globally. It is
possible to derive preventive and even curative solutions from diets.
IMMUNITY: A basic understanding
1.1 The immune system
The immune response is an essential defense mechanism of an
animal. There are two types of immune response which are identified as (a)
Innata immune response and (b) Adaptive immune response.
Innate immunity
The innate immune
response is a non-specific response that occurs very rapidly leading to an inflammatory
process (Oswald, 2013). It is intended to exclude or eliminate pathogens
(Korver, 2012).
The body has many lines of defense such as the skin and
mucosal surfaces. Epithelial cells are the primary barrier against the
infectious and non-infectious challenges (Korver, 2012).
If these protective systems fail, then pathogen-associated
molecular pattern (PAMP) are recognized by the system through toll-like
receptors (TLR) and pattern recognition receptors (PRR) (Kogut, 2009).The early
responses are directed towards containment of the pathogens. Various activation
cascades finally lead to inflammation and clearance of the pathogens (Kogut,
This innate response does not exhibit memory unlike the
adaptive immune response.
This inflammatory response can be costly from a nutritional
standpoint. It can lead to a diversion of nutrient away from growth and towards
the inflammatory response (Yang et al., mentioned by Korver, 2012). It also
increases the metabolic rate (fever) and/or reduces the feed intake. It also generates
an activity of the liver to produce the so-called Acute Phase Proteins which
are there to protect the host against microbial growth. Morbidity, anorexia and
fever can also be observed in such situations (Klasing, 2007).
1.1.2 Adaptive immunity
This component of the immunity involves a specific response
following an exposure to an antigen. Lymphocytes B will produce antibodies to
this antigen and T cells will actively eliminate invading pathogens. The
so-called T Helpers cells are here to direct the immune response (Korver,
Adaptative immunity is activated more slowly and is
dependent on the innate immune system for initial pathogen recognition.
Expansion of B cells and T cells are driven by the first signals launched by
the innate system with the specificity for the ongoing challenge (Kogut, 2017).
The production of “memory” B cells and T cells will provide
lifelong specific protection.
1.2 Effects of selection on immune function
The genetic selection of animals for rapid growth has changed
the way in which they respond to infectious challenge. Modem broilers, for
instance, appear to have lesser innate immune response (less fever after a
challenge). Their genetic makeup allows them to grow rapidly with low feed
conversion rate by minimizing the diversion of nutrients to inflammatory
response and other systemic response.
Modern commercial bred turkeys are more susceptible to
disease challenge than the wild-type turkeys (Genovese et al., 2008 quoted by
Korver, 2012)
The selection for production performance characteristics
tend to result in decreased immune function
1.3 Diets and Microbiome interaction: Its influence on Immune response
A network of interactions characterize the interdependence
between the innate immune system and the microbiota. The two systems affect one
another to bring about whole-organism physiology (Thaiss, 2016)
The gastrointestinal tract is the primary site of interaction
between the host immune system and Modern commercially bred turkeys are more
microorganisms, both symbiotic and pathogenic
Recent evidences support the idea that disturbances in the
bacterial microbiota result in Immunological dysregulation as inflammatory
disease (Round and Mazmanian, 2009)
Germ-free animals have numerous immunological defects that
may lead to disease, which implies there is a role for the microbiota in
actively supporting health. The adaptive immune system is influenced by
intestinal microbial colonization.
The microbiotia, as a "second brain" is a
regulator of the immune response (Kogut, 2017).
The composition of the gut microbiome is affected by variations
in the diet. Therefore, diets and commensal microbiota have an influence on the
host immune response.
1.4 Feed-induced inflammation
Some constituents of common diet can induce immune response.
Insoluble Mannans are not digestible by the poultry and are found to stimulate
innate response.
The presence of this Non Starch Polysaccharides (NSP) can
eventually lead to a demand for extra energy and protein. The usage of
exogenous enzymes such as Beta-glucanase, Xylanase, Protease and Hemicellulase
is appropriate and effective.
2.1 Nutrient Modulate Immune systems
Many nutrients are capable of modulating the immune system
(Korver, 2012) Immune functions are influenced by diet composition, feed and
energy intake. Deficiencies of nutrients, such as protein, lysine, arginine and
phosphorus can reduce immune response (Korver, 2012).
2.2 Disturbances of proteic metabolism
During the acute phase of an inflammation a large part of
the protein synthesis is dedicated to the production of acute phase protein.
(Reeds and Jahoor (2001) evaluated that it could represent upto 25% of the
total synthesis. Preferential breakdown of skeletal muscle supports energy
demand. In fact, the profile of these acute phase proteins is different from
those of themuscle. Consequently, during stress, birds will have specific
requirements as far as amino acids are concerned.
Tryptophan and Arginine levels in the diets can modulate the
systemic immune response against Gumboro disease (Emadi et al., 2011). It is
also true for the sulfur amino-acid (Jankowski, 2014) and threonine (Amadori et
al., 2009)
As a result challenged birds will have a different protein demand
as opposed to non-challenged birds.
2.3 Oxidative stress
To clear the pathogens invasion, some of the host cells produce
pro-oxidant elements. An inflammatory condition can impair the balance between
this production and the anti-oxidant status of the tissues and cause an
oxidative stress. Supplementing the feed with antioxidants in such situations
becomes important.
NUTRITION:As Immune Modulator
The challenge that a nutritionist faces is to choose amongst
various raw materials and feed additives that are required as per the nutrient
specifications of various animal species. Addition of more than what is
required does not bring about a corresponding benefit.
Following is the review of important ingredients
3.1 Immunomodulation ingredients
3.1.1 Role of essentials oils
Essential oils (EO) are widely used as alternative to
antibiotic growth promoter. They are known for their anti-bacterial properties,
and like antibiotics, EO also show anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
properties. Many studies demonstrate the immunomodulatory effects of natural and
herbal products (Lillehoj and Lee, 2012)
Dietary feeding of cinnamaldehyde along with carvacrol and
capsicum showed synergistic enhancement of innate immunity against intestinal
parasitic and bacterial infections.
3.1.2 Direct Fed-Microbia
Probiotics are "live microorganisms that can influence
the profile of the microbiota, modulate the inflammatory response and improve
the nonspecific intestinal barrier" (Lillehoj and Lee, 2012).
The live microorganisms that are commonly included in feeds
are Bacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus,
Streptococcus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus oryzae. Many studies
demonstrate the role of such ingredients in immunomodulation.
Bacillus subtilis is one of the most common probiotics used
in poultry as the spores of B. subtilis are heat resistant and can tolerate
multiple environmental stressors.
Supplementation with Bacillus subtilis-based probiotic
reduces heat stress-related behaviors and inflammatory response in broiler chickens
(Wang. 2018)
3.1.3 Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids-PUFA
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are well recognized to
reduce the growth-suppressive impacts of inflammation (Korver, 1998). From a
metabolic standpoint, Omega 3 PUFA is good for the immune system.
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and
a-linolenic Acid (ALA) are also beneficial for the immune system
The chain length is important. The longer the chain, the
better is the immunity.
The use of oils enriched in PUFA is certainly an option that
a nutritionist needs to consider when formulating feeds for animal species
under challenging conditions.
3.2 Nutrition and vaccination
Nutrition can bring "boost effects on the immune
stimulation following a vaccination. In a trial, Broilers were fed with a diet
supplemented with a phytogenic solution (Techna, non-published data, 2007).
vaccination, antibodies titer was monitored. Serocon version
was boosted for Gumboro, Infectious Bron chitis and Newcastle valences for
supplemented birds.
The immune system of an animal is highly complex and a
robust immune system is the key to optimal health and performance.
The immune-nutrition approach is a proven strategy to
improve immunity. However, this subject still requires a lot of research to
identify all the links between Nutrition, Pathology and Immunity. There
definitely exists a cost for immunity which effects performance parameters of
A better comprehension of how nutrients modulate the immune
response give nutritionists the ability to formulate diets to improve immunity
and overall health.
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