4 Organic Trace Minerals In Animal Nutrition
Trace elements have a vital role to play in the many metabolic functions within the body. There are two broad categories of trace minerals. They are inorganic trace minerals and organic trace minerals. Organic trace elements are chelates or complexes of minerals with organic ligands. Organic trace minerals in animal nutrition are easier absorbed in the gut and have improved bioavailability. When minerals are bound to chelating agents like amino acids or hydrolyzed proteins, they become stable and thus, less reactive in the digestive tract. The common organic trace minerals for cattle, swine, aqua and poultry nutrition are iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and chromium. Why OTMs? Supplementation of organic trace minerals in animal feed improves body weight gain and production of egg and milk etc. Another important application of organic trace minerals is reducing excretion, which reduces environmental pollution and wastage of nutrients. Apart from production,...